And at the end of seven days During which time the prophet had sufficient opportunity to observe their manners and prevailing vices; the word of the Lord came to me Informing me more particularly what my office was, and what the duty of that office. Son of man, I have made thee a watchman, &c. Prophets have the title of watchmen given them; because, like watchmen placed on towers to discern and give notice of any dangers that may be approaching, they, by their prophetical spirit, were enabled to foresee the evils coming upon the ungodly, and were bound to give people timely notice, that they might avoid them by true repentance and reformation. When I say By the threatenings of my word, or by my spirit exciting thee to give seasonable and necessary reproofs and warnings; unto the wicked Any wicked person whatever, poor or rich, mean or mighty. Thou shalt surely die Both temporally and eternally, unless thy sincere repentance prevent this destruction; and thou givest him not warning As thy office indispensably requires thee to do; the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity Shall depart this life in a state of sin and guilt, and be condemned to those punishments to which temporal death translates sinners; for his ignorance will not procure him impunity. But his blood will I require at thy hand “Thou shalt be accountable for the loss of his soul, Just as a man's blood is laid to the charge of him who is any way accessory to his death.” Yet if thou warn the wicked, and he turn not But still go on in his trespasses, unawakened and unreformed; he shall die, but thou hast delivered thy soul Thou shalt be clear from the guilt of being accessory to his destruction.

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