And I will raise up for them a plant of renown The Messiah, the branch from the root of David, so frequently foretold by the prophet. And they shall be no more consumed with hunger But shall be blessed with plenty of all things. Spiritual blessings, the blessings peculiar to the Messiah's kingdom, are chiefly intended. These his subjects shall possess in abundance, and shall be satisfied therewith, whatever their lot may be as to the things of this life. Neither shall they bear the shame of the heathen any more By whom they were formerly reproached, as if their God had cast them off. Then shall they know The very heathen shall be convinced by these many and great blessings bestowed upon my people; that I the Lord I, Jehovah, who can perform what I promise; am with them Am reconciled to them, and do bless and save them; and that they Whom these heathen despised and injured, and formerly made slaves, even the house of Israel, are my people My peculiar people, above all people in the world, and as such shall be taken care of by me.

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