If the prince give a gift, &c. By these verses we learn, that even gifts, or legacies of lands, could only be granted till the year of jubilee, except to a person's own heirs; for at that period all such gifts or grants devolved again to the original possessors, or their heirs. It shall be his to the year of liberty That is, of jubilee, called the year of liberty, because it freed men's persons from the service of their masters, and their estates from any engagements by which the right of them was transferred from their proper owners. After it shall return to the prince Or to his heirs, if he be dead. But his inheritance shall be his sons' for them Or, his inheritance shall belong to his sons; it shall be theirs so as not to be alienated. The prince shall not take of the people's inheritance As Ahab did, 1 Kings 21:16. That my people be not scattered Lest, being turned out of their own, they be forced to wander up and down the country for a livelihood.

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