And the five thousand that are left in the breadth over against [or beside, see Eze 48:13] the five and twenty thousand This five thousand, added to the twenty-five thousand in length, and two ten thousands in breadth, mentioned Ezekiel 48:10, makes up a square of twenty- five thousand every way: see Ezekiel 48:20. Shall be a profane place for the city, &c. It is called a profane place comparatively, because it was not so holy as the temple and the sanctuary. And the city, shall be in the midst thereof A square piece of ground, of four thousand five hundred cubits on every side, shall be taken out of the middle of the twenty-five thousand cubits in length, for the area of the city. The north side four thousand five hundred, &c. It shall be an equilateral square, every side being exactly of the same measure, consisting in all of eighteen thousand measures, as is expressed Ezekiel 48:35. According to Josephus, Bell. Jud., 5: 43, Jerusalem was thirty-three stadia in circuit, which the square here described does not greatly exceed. And the suburbs shall be toward the north two hundred and fifty The city and suburbs together making a square of five thousand.

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