By the border of Judah, &c., shall be the offering, &c. Next to the border of Judah, which runs in length from east to west, shall be the offering ye shall set apart for the service of God, Ezekiel 45:1. The word reeds, it must be observed, is not in the original text, either here or in that place, and, as we have there noticed, many learned men think it more probable, that the measure of cubits is intended in both passages: see the note there. And in the length as in one of the other parts Given to the adjoining tribes. From the east side unto the west side Which was likewise twenty-five thousand reeds, or cubits, according to the dimensions of the holy portion, set down Ezekiel 45:1, for the oblation was to be four-square, consisting of twenty-five thousand, multiplied by twenty-five thousand.

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