My voice, my charge, my commandments This variety of expression seems to be designed to show the universality and exactness of Abraham's obedience, that he readily complied with every intimation of the divine will. He obeyed the original laws of nature, the revealed laws of divine worship, particularly that of circumcision, and all the extraordinary precepts God gave him, as that of quitting his country, and that (which some think is more especially referred to) respecting the offering up of his son, which Isaac himself had reason enough to remember. Those only shall have the benefit of God's covenant with their parents that tread in the steps of their obedience. It must be observed, however, as the covenant made with Abraham, and God's promises to him, were made by God of his mere grace and mercy, so the blessings promised and conferred were so very great, that it is idle to imagine they could be merited by so mean a compensation as Abraham's obedience which obedience was a debt that he would have owed to God, if there had been neither covenant nor promise made by God, and which was the effect of God's grace to and in him.

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