A.M. 1. B.C. 4004.

The general contents of this chapter we have, Romans 5:12. By one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin, and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned. More particularly, we have here,

( 1,) The innocent tempted, Genesis 3:1.

(2,) The tempted transgressing, Genesis 3:5; Genesis 3:7.

(3,) The transgressors arraigned, Genesis 3:9.

(4,) Upon their arraignment convicted, Genesis 3:11.

(5,) Upon their conviction sentenced, Genesis 3:14.

(6,) After sentence reprieved, Genesis 3:20.

(7,) Notwithstanding their reprieve, execution in part done, Genesis 3:22.

(8,) Gracious intimations of redemption, lest they and all their race should despair.

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