A.M. 1665. B.C. 2349.

We have here,

(1,) The earth made anew, by the recess of the waters and the appearing of the dry land a second time, vv.1-3. After fifteen days ebbing, the ark rests, vv.4. After sixty days ebbing, the tops of the mountains appear, vv.5. After forty days ebbing, and twenty days before the mountains appeared, Noah begins to send out his spies, a raven and a dove, to gain intelligence, vv.6-12. Two months after the appearing of the mountains, the waters were gone, and the face of the earth was dry, vv.13.

(2,) Man placed anew upon the earth. In which, 1, Noah's discharge and departure out of the ark,vv. 15-19: 2, His sacrifice of praise which he offered to God upon his enlargement, vv.20: 3, God's acceptance of his sacrifice; and the promise he made thereupon not to drown the world again, 21, 22. And thus, at length, mercy rejoiceth against judgment.

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