Let us hold fast the profession of our faith Or, rather, of our hope, as the most approved MSS., indeed all but one, read the clause. The apostle referred to that profession or confession of their hope of eternal life, which believers made at their baptism. For being God's children, and heirs through faith in Christ, (John 1:12; Galatians 3:26,) they had an undoubted right to hope for the heavenly inheritance: without wavering Without giving way to any doubt or fear in a case where we have such certain and indubitable evidence; or unmoved by the threats of our persecutors. For he is faithful that promised That is, all the promises of God shall be made good to us, if we continue steadfast. And let us consider one another Let us reflect seriously on one another's temptations, trials, infirmities, failings, and other circumstances attending us, that we may judge what influence we can have over one another for our mutual advantage: and especially to provoke and excite one another unto love to God, his people, and all mankind; and to good works Of all kinds, the proper fruits of love. Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together For public or social worship; as the manner of some is Either through fear of persecution, or from a vain imagination that they are above external ordinances; but exhorting one another To constancy in the faith, zeal and diligence in all works of piety and virtue; and so much the more as ye see the day approaching That awful day, in which we must appear before the tribunal of God, preceded by the day of death, which is drawing continually nearer, and will fix our character and condition for ever. As also that day of vengeance coming on the Jewish nation, which Christ hath described as so terrible an emblem of the day of final judgment, and the conflagration of the world. From what Christ had said concerning the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple, and the dreadful calamities awaiting the Jews, as events that should happen during the lives of some who had been present with him about thirty years before the date of this epistle, these Hebrews might infer that these judgments were now near, and doubtless might see them approaching, by the appearing of those signs which our Lord had said should precede them.

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