By faith Expressed in her words, recorded Joshua 2:9, I know that the Lord hath given you the land, &c.; the harlot Rahab That is, who had once been a harlot; but after she believed in the true God, it is reasonable to think she amended her manners, as well as repented of the lie by which she deceived the king of Jericho's messengers. For that faith in the true God, which made her hazard her life in receiving and concealing the spies, must, when she attained to more knowledge, have wrought in her a thorough reformation; perished not with them that believed not With the rest of the Canaanites in that city, among whom she dwelt; when she had received the spies Hospitably, and dismissed them in peace, when an alarm was taken by her fellow-citizens, and they searched for them to destroy them.

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