Wherefore Since afflictions are so beneficial; lift up the hands Whether your own or your brethren's; which hang down Unable to continue the combat; shake off discouragement, sloth, and indolence, and exert yourselves in your spiritual warfare, and in the performance of your duty; and strengthen, by faith and prayer, the feeble knees Unable to continue the race. And make straight paths for your own feet And for those of others; remove every hinderance, every offence out of the way; lest that which is lame Those who are weak and feeble among you; be turned out of the way Of truth and duty; but let it rather be healed Let them rather be delivered from their fears and dejections, and be confirmed in their Christian course. Follow peace with all men As much as in you lieth; do not willingly or unnecessarily give offence to any, and be not easily offended with others; bear and forbear, for the sake of peace and mutual love; and holiness Internal and external, holiness of heart and life; the mind of Christ, and a conformity to God; without which How ready soever men may be to flatter themselves with vain expectations; no man shall see the Lord It being his unalterable decree to exclude those who live and die under the defilement of sin, from the sight of himself in the celestial world, for which their unholy tempers and vile affections render them altogether unfit; only the pure in heart shall or can see God, Matthew 5:8. We must be like him, if we would see him as he is, 1 John 3:2.

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