But with whom was he grieved Or, displeased, as Macknight renders προσωχθισε; forty years? The apostle's answer to this inquiry consists of a double description of them. First, By their sin; was it not with them that had sinned? Secondly, By their punishment; whose carcasses fell in the wilderness? As some only, and not all provoked, so it was with some only, and not all, that God was displeased. The sins here principally intended are the general sins of the whole congregation, which consisted in their frequent murmurings and rebellions, which came to a head, as it were, in that great provocation upon the return of the spies,(Numbers 14.) when they not only provoked God by their own unbelief, but encouraged one another to destroy Joshua and Caleb, who would not concur in their disobedience; for all the congregation bade stone them with stones. And to whom sware he, &c. The apostle refers to Numbers 14:21; Numbers 14:30; but to them that believed not? Or were disobedient, as the word απειθησασι may be properly rendered; or who would not be persuaded, namely, to trust God, and believe that he would give them the possession of Canaan, and would not obey him when he commanded them to go up against their enemies, and take possession of it.

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