A minister Λειτουργος, a public minister, who, having entered within the veil, now ministers, or executes, the remaining part of his office in his human nature, representing the merit of his own sacrifice, as the high-priest represented the blood of those sacrifices once a year; of the sanctuary The place of God's glorious presence, typified by the holy of holies of the Jewish tabernacle and temple, where were the mercy-seat and ark, the symbols of God's presence with his church; and of the true tabernacle The third heaven, called the true tabernacle or habitation of God, to distinguish it from the Mosaic tabernacle, which was only its representation or shadow, by means of the inhabitation of the glory of the Lord, which heavenly tabernacle the Lord pitched Or fixed; and not man That is, a tabernacle infinitely superior to any which human hands could be concerned in rearing, and proportionable to the boundless wisdom, power, and magnificence of God. In this most holy place our great High-Priest ever lives, happy in his own blessedness and glory, and having the whole administration of things sacred between God and the church committed to him.

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