Joseph Benson’s Bible Commentary
Isaiah 22 - Introduction
A.M. 3292. B.C. 712.
The contents of this chapter relate to the city of Jerusalem, and the neighbouring country. We have the grievous distress into which the Jews should be brought by the Assyrian invasion, under Sennacherib, or that of the Chaldeans, under Nebuchadnezzar, Isaiah 22:1. A reproof given them for depending for preservation on the contrivances of their own wisdom, and neglecting to look to God, Isaiah 22:8. For indulging themselves in profane joy and luxurious revelling, when they ought to have humbled themselves under his mighty hand, which conduct God would certainly punish, Isaiah 22:12. The displacing of Shebna for his pride, Isaiah 22:15. Eliakim appointed his successor in office, to the great benefit of the country and his own honour, Isaiah 22:20.