Pass ye over to Tarshish Flee from your own country to Tartessus in Spain, and there bewail your calamity. Or, betake yourselves for refuge to some of the parts to which you used to traffic. The LXX. say, εις Καρχηδονα, to Carthage, which was a colony transplanted from Tyre. Howl, ye inhabitants of the isle Of Tyre, as Isaiah 23:2. Is this your joyous city? That formerly lived in so much pomp, and pleasure, and security? Whose antiquity is of ancient days See on Isaiah 23:1. Tyre, though not so old as Zidon, yet certainly was of very high antiquity. Justin, in the passage above quoted, had dated the building of it at a certain number of years before the taking of Troy; but the number is lost in the present copies. Her own feet shall carry her Whereas before, like a delicate lady, she would not set her foot to the ground, but used to be carried in stately chariots; afar off to sojourn To seek for new habitations.

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