Thus saith the Lord, &c. Here God renews his contest with idols, which he insists an so often, and so much, because his own people were exceeding prone to idolatry. And who Which of all the heathen gods; shall call, and shall declare it Shall, by his powerful call, cause a future event to be, and, by his infinite foreknowledge, declare that it shall be. And set it in order for me Orderly relate all future events in the same manner as they shall happen. Since I appointed the ancient people Αφ ' ου εποιησα ανθρωπον. Since I first made man upon the earth: so the LXX. And the things that are coming, &c. Such things as are near at hand, and such as are to come hereafter. Have not I told thee? Thee, O Israel, whom he bids not to fear. The sense is, I call you Israelites to bear me witness, whether I have not, from time to time, acquainted you with things to come; from that time When I appointed the ancient people, (Isaiah 44:7,) from the first ages of the world. And have declared it Have published it to the world in my sacred records. Ye are even my witnesses Both of my predictions, and of the exact agreeableness of events to them.

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