Thou meetest him that rejoiceth, &c. “Thou preventest, with the blessings of thy goodness, those that take pleasure in the ways of thy commandments, and live under a continual sense of thy providence.” Behold, thou art wroth Or greatly angry; for, or because, we have sinned Have been guilty of many and great offences, whereby we have provoked thy heavy displeasure. In those Those ways of thine, thy ways of mercy, in which we have remembered thee; is continuance Or, perpetuity; or, in those thou art ever to be found; and we shall be saved At last, though thou art wroth, and we have sinned. “The mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting on them that fear him,” Psalms 103:17. He always waits to be gracious, and through all ages meets his worshippers in his ordinances. This seems to be the sense of this obscure passage; at least it will bear this sense; and, as it is in perfect consistency with the general tenor of the Scriptures, it is certainly safer to admit it, unless a better can be proposed, than to have recourse to any mere conjectural alterations of the Hebrew text.

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