Therefore will I number you to the sword “Here the allusion to meni, which signifies number, is obvious.” And you shall all bow down to the slaughter As you have bowed down to idols, which are my enemies, I will make you bow down to your enemies' swords; because when I called Namely, by my prophets, you did not answer by doing the things that I enjoined. But did evil before mine eyes You sinned deliberately, choosing sinful courses, the things which I hated. It must be observed here, that though the Jews, in the time of Christ and his apostles, (the period, it seems, referred to,) were not guilty of such idolatries as those above mentioned, yet, as they manifested the same spirit of rebellion, perverseness, and enmity to God, he therefore threatens that he would number them to the sword, as criminals ordered for execution, which he accordingly did, sending the Roman armies to desolate their country, lay their cities level with the ground, and almost extirpate their whole nation.

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