The spoilers The Chaldean soldiers, described by the metaphor of a full wind of the high places, Jeremiah 4:11, are come upon all high places Have made themselves masters of all the natural fastnesses and artificial fortresses in the country. The prophet, as usual, speaks of a thing as already done, which was very shortly to be done. For the sword of the Lord shall devour Thus those people are called, whom God excited to invade Judea, as a punishment of the Jews for their sins: they were the Lord's sword: from one end of the land even to the other The numerous army of the invaders shall disperse themselves through the whole country, penetrating into every corner of it. No flesh shall have peace No rank or order of men shall be exempt from the calamity, or able to enjoy any tranquillity. They Namely, the inhabitants of the land; have sown wheat, but shall reap thorns Have taken much pains, and been at much charge, but all shall turn to their prejudice. It is a proverbial expression, signifying men's loss of time and labour; or rather, their receiving only vexation and injury as the fruit of those efforts from which they expected great advantage. It is here applied to the fruitless and destructive endeavours of the Jews to save themselves from the evils that threatened them, by courting the assistance and alliance of idolaters. They shall be ashamed of your revenues Or, increase, as תבואתיכם should rather be rendered: it alludes to the reaping of thorns, mentioned in the former part of the verse, as if he had said, You shall be ashamed of the small and inconsiderable returns you make of all your pains and labours: because of the fierce anger of the Lord Which shall make all your designs abortive.

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