Thus saith the Lord, &c. Here God returns an answer to the complaints and expostulations of the prophet, contained in the eight preceding verses. They have loved to wander They have been fond of their idols; and despising the divine succour, have run after that of strangers, and they have persisted in their sinful courses, notwithstanding all counsels. Therefore the Lord doth not accept them He will not accept their own prayers or humiliations, nor thine intercessions on their behalf, but will punish them according to their deserts. When they fast, I will not hear It is likely a public fast had been appointed upon occasion of this drought, as there was in a like case in the Prophet Joel's time. But I will consume them by the sword, famine, and pestilence Thus God threatens to add to the drought three sore judgments, ordinarily accompanying one another, both in God's threatenings and in the execution of them.

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