Set thee up way-marks “These words are a call to Israel to prepare for their return. The word צינים, rendered way-marks, means stone pillars, and תמרודים, translated heaps, from המר, a palm-tree, probably signifies tall-poles, like palm-trees, or, perhaps, made of palm- trees; both set up in the roads, at certain distances, for the traveller's direction, and extremely necessary for those who had to pass wild and spacious deserts,” Blaney. Set thy heart toward the way which thou wentest Mind well the way that the Assyrians and Babylonians carried thee captive, for thou shalt return the same way. Turn again That is, Return to thine own country; O virgin of Israel See note on Jeremiah 31:14. Turn again to these thy cities The expression is doubled for the greater certainty of the event.

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