Now when all the captains of the forces heard, &c., they came to Gedaliah By the taking of Jerusalem the Chaldeans made a complete conquest of Judea; whereupon that part of the Jewish army which had escaped destruction dispersed themselves into several parts of the country. And Gedaliah sware unto them They might reasonably suspect that the Chaldeans would have a jealous eye upon any conflux of people to Jerusalem, especially military men, and therefore might be somewhat suspicious of him, who was the Chaldean deputy governor; the securing them from fears on that account was the cause of Gedaliah's giving them this voluntary oath; saying, Fear not to serve the Chaldeans The same advice Jeremiah had formerly given to the Jews, Jeremiah 27:11. As for me, I will dwell at Mizpah, to serve the Chaldeans I keep my residence here, a place upon the frontiers, that I may be ready to obey any orders that the king of Babylon sends me by his servants. But ye, gather ye wine, and summer-fruits, and oil But do you live in the country, and gather such fruits as the country affords, and do not fear being spoiled of them; but do as ye used to do in the times of the greatest peace and security. Wine and oil are here put by a metonymy for grapes and olives. It was now about the month of August, which was the proper season for gathering in the summer-fruits in that country.

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