Therefore will I howl for Moab See note on Isaiah 15:5. I will cry out for all Moab The whole country of Moab: the phrase is the same with whole Palestina, Isaiah 14:31. For the men of Kirheres See note on Isaiah 16:7; Isaiah 16:11. O vine of Sibmah The expressions here denote the destruction of the fruitful vineyards of Sibmah; the loss of which the neighbouring places of Jazer would have reason to lament. Thy plants are gone over the sea The vineyards of Sibmah seem to have been of a vast extent, and to have been greatly celebrated: see note on Isaiah 16:8. And joy and gladness is taken from the plentiful field The gathering in of the harvest and other fruits of the earth is usually accompanied with great expressions of joy; but there would be no occasion for this in the land of Moab, as the enemy would spoil or carry away their crop and vintage. None shall tread with shouting They shall not have a vintage left sufficient to excite them to shouts of joy, or to induce them to exhort and encourage one another to labour diligently.

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