If he cut off Namely, a person or family; and shut up In prison, or in the hands of an enemy, or in the net of affliction and trouble, Psalms 66:11. Or gather together Make our condition strait and narrow, as some interpret it; or, gather together as tares to the fire, or gather to himself man's breath and spirit, Job 34:14. Then who can hinder him? From doing what he pleaseth with his creatures? Who can either arrest the sentence, or oppose the execution? Who can control his power or arraign his wisdom and justice? If he, who made all out of nothing, think fit to reduce all to nothing; if he that separated between light and darkness, dry land and sea, at first, please to gather them together again; if he that made, think proper to unmake, מי ישׁיבנו, mi jeshibennu, who can turn him; alter his mind, or stay his hand, impede or impeach his proceedings?

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