O that I knew where I might find him! Namely, God, as his friends well knew. Thou advisest me to acquaint myself with him, I desire nothing so much as his acquaintance and presence; but, alas! he hides his face from me, that I cannot see or come near him. That I might come even to his seat To his throne or judgment-seat, to plead my cause before him. I would order my cause Declare in order the things which concern my cause, would set it in a true light, and show the justice of it, and that before him, who searches my heart. And fill my mouth with arguments To prove my sincerity and innocence toward him, and consequently, that my friends accuse me falsely. I would know what he would say to me If he should discover to me any secret sins, for which he contendeth with me, I would humble myself before him, and accept of the punishment of mine iniquity.

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