Our righteousness profits ourselves, not God, Job 35:1. Our wickedness hurts not him, but other men, whom God would help, if they cried to him sincerely, Job 35:8. Why he delayed to help Job, vv14-16.
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See also Job 35 - Introduction in other biblical comments:
JOB 32-37. SPEECH OF ELIHU. Reasons have already been given in the
Introduction for regarding this as a later addition to the poem. The
point of view of Elihu is very much that of Eliphaz, viz. that
Elihu's Third Reply to Job. Job's complaint that a man is in no way
profited by his righteousness more than if he had sinned is made
without knowledge. Neither righteousness nor sin affects God; their...
1-2 It is not right, Job, for you to say
that you are innocent in God's sight,
3 or to ask God, How does my sin affect you?
It has done me no good not to sin.
4 I am going...
Is this chapter Elihu goes on to charge Job with other unbecoming
speeches, which he undertakes to refute; as that he had represented
his cause more just than God's, and religi...