He directeth it Namely, his voice, his thunder; under the whole heaven It is heard far and near, for he darts it through the whole region of the air: and his lightning, &c. Preceded by terrible, and often most destructive flashes of lightning, which shoot from one end of heaven to the other. After it a voice roareth After the lightning follow awful claps of thunder, more tremendous than the roarings of a lion; and he will not stay them They grow louder and louder, till they conclude in a violent tempest of rain or hail. God thundereth marvellously With a wonderful and terrible noise, and so as to produce, by the accompanying lightning, many wonderful effects, as the breaking down of great and strong trees, or buildings, and the killing of men and beasts in an instantaneous and awful manner. Great things doeth he Even in the course of nature, and in the visible parts of the creation. Which we cannot comprehend Which all men see, but of which few or none can give the true and satisfactory reasons. And therefore it is not strange if the secret and deep counsels of divine providence be out of our reach. And it would argue great pride and arrogancy in us if we should take upon us to censure them, because we do not understand them.

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