Lo he goeth by me Or besides, or before me, in my presence; that is, he worketh by his providence in ways of mercy or judgment. And I see him not I see the effects, but I cannot understand the causes or grounds of his actions, for they are incomprehensible to me, or any other man: for though Job speaks only in his own person, yet he means to affirm it of all men, that such is the weakness of their understandings that they cannot search out God's counsels and ways. The operations of second causes are commonly obvious to our senses; but, though God works by those causes, we see him not, nor can our finite minds fathom his counsels, apprehend his motions, or comprehend the measures he takes. He passeth on also He goeth from place to place; from one action to another. But I perceive him not He passes and acts invisibly and undiscerned.

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