The next day, John stood, and two of his disciples John happening the next day to be with two of his disciples on the banks of Jordan, he saw Jesus passing by a second time, and repeated what he had said to the multitude the day before. Probably he pointed out Jesus to these two disciples because they had been absent when the Spirit descended upon him, and the voice from heaven declared him to be the Son of God. But having now had an account of these things from their master, they desired to become acquainted with Jesus, and for that purpose followed him. Then Jesus turned, &c. Jesus, knowing their intentions, turned about; and saith, What seek ye? Thus he spake, not to discountenance and turn them back, but to encourage and invite them to a free converse with him. They said unto him With the greatest reverence and respect; Rabbi Which, being interpreted from the Syriac, the language then spoken by the Jews, signifies, Master; where dwellest thou Που μενεις, where dost thou lodge? For Jesus had no fixed abode at Jordan, being come thither only to be baptized. By making this reply, John's disciples intimated that they had a great inclination to converse with Jesus. He gave them, therefore, an invitation to his lodging, which they readily accepted; and abode with him that day The remainder of it; for it was about the tenth hour Or, four in the afternoon; so that they had an opportunity of spending the rest of the evening with him, doubtless, much to their satisfaction and delight.

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