There was a man sent from God The introducer of a new dispensation, the morning star, preceding the rise of the Sun of righteousness; whose name was JOHN That is, grace; a name fitly given to the Messiah's forerunner, who was sent to proclaim the immediate accomplishment of God's gracious intentions toward men, the expectation of which had been raised in them by all his preceding dispensations. The same came for a witness Εις μαρτυριαν, for, or, in order to give, a testimony of an infinitely important kind; to bear witness of the light Ινα μαρτυρηση περι του φωτος, that he might testify concerning the light: namely, the light mentioned above, Christ, the light of the world; that all men through him Through his testimony; might believe In Christ, the light. He John, though an extraordinary messenger of God, was himself not that light, but was merely sent to bear witness of that light And thereby to draw men's attention to it, and induce them to believe in it; namely, in the true light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world Both as he is their Maker, who has put into their minds the light of reason and conscience, and as he visits and strives with them by his Spirit, and is the author of that revelation, which was not intended to be confined to the single nation of the Jews, but to be communicated to all mankind.

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