Jesus knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands, and that he was come from God, &c. That is, although he was conscious of his own greatness, as being invested with the government of all things, and as having existed in heaven before he appeared on earth, and as being sure of returning to heaven again to reign there; yet he humbled himself in the manner here related, descended to the mean office of a slave, and washed the feet of his own disciples; an action which might justly excite our wonder, if we had not proofs of his much greater humiliation, in making himself of no reputation for the great work of man's redemption. He riseth from supper This implies, that in some sense supper was begun. Probably the ante-past had been taken, which is mentioned by the Jews as preceding the eating of the paschal lamb, and they tell us, that it was then usual for the master of the family to wash his hands, a custom which, it is said, the Jews continue still. And laid aside his garments Namely, his upper garments, which would have hindered him. After that, he poureth water into a basin A large vessel, usually placed for this very purpose wherever the Jews supped. Then cometh he to Simon Peter Namely, after he had washed the feet of those who sat nearest to him; and Peter saith, Lord, dost thou wash Dost thou purpose, or go about to wash; my feet? Thou who art the Son of God, the Messiah, and consequently the king of the Jews, shalt thou wash my feet, who am thy disciple, a poor fisherman, and, what is still more degrading, an unworthy sinner.

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