When he was gone out Having quitted the place in a mixture of rage and confusion, as being marked out both by Christ's actions and words; Jesus said To the rest of the disciples, as they sat at the table with him; Now While I speak this; is the Son of man glorified Or, is just on the point of being glorified; and God is glorified in him Or, is about to be immediately glorified by the signal and extraordinary circumstances of his abasement and exaltation. And if God be glorified, &c. Or, as ει ο θεος εδοξασθη may be rendered, seeing God is glorified in him; God shall also glorify him, &c. That is, Seeing that he has already done great honour to God by the past actions of his life, and is about to honour him yet further by his sufferings and death, which will display the divine perfections, particularly God's infinite love to men, in the most astonishing and amiable light; he is, in his turn, to receive glory from God; meaning, that in his human nature he was to be exalted to the highest dignity and power, or, as he himself expresses it, (Matthew 28:18,) to all power, or authority, in heaven and in earth; and that his mission from God was immediately to be supported by irrefragable attestations.

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