But these things have I told you And forewarned you of them; that when the time shall come In which they shall happen; ye may remember that I told you of them And so may turn what has so discouraging an aspect into a further confirmation of your faith. And these things I said not at the beginning Of my ministry; because I was with you And could easily suggest proper instructions and consolations, as new circumstances of difficulty arose; and because, being with you, I could bear the chief shock of persecution in my own person, and so screen you from it. But now I go to him that sent me But now, that my ministry is drawing toward a conclusion, and I am going to leave you, I could no longer defer speaking of these things to you; because it is of great importance you should know them, in order that when they come to pass you may not be surprised and stumbled. And none of you asketh me Now when it is most seasonable; whither goest thou? Though I mentioned to you my departure once before, (John 13:33,) none of you has inquired of me the reasons of my departure, nor the effects of it; nor is concerned to make those inquiries about that better world, which surely might well become you in such a circumstance. But because I have said these things Have spoken of leaving you for a time, and have informed you of the persecutions you will meet with when I am gone; sorrow hath filled your heart Hath engrossed your thoughts, and filled you with sadness.

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