For as the Father raiseth up the dead, &c. Here he declares what are those greater works, namely, raising the dead and judging the world. These two, quickening and judging, are proposed, John 5:21. The acquittal of believers, which presupposes judgment, is treated of in John 5:24; the quickening some of the dead, John 5:25; and the general resurrection, John 5:28. For the Father judgeth no man Without the Son; but he doth judge by that man whom he hath ordained, Acts 17:31. That all men should honour the Son, even as they honour the Father Honour him as the Maker, Upholder, Redeemer, Saviour, Governor, and Judge of the world, and that either willingly, by yielding to him the homage of faith, love, and obedience, and so escaping condemnation, and attaining eternal life; or unwillingly, and so feeling the wrath of the Judge. This demonstrates the equality, or sameness, rather, of the Godhead of the Son and the Father. If our Lord were God only by office, or investiture, and not in the unity of the divine essence, he would not be honoured even as, that is, with the same honour as that wherewith the Father is honoured. He that honoureth not the Son With the same equal honour, greatly dishonoureth the Father which sent him.

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