Joshua 12:1,2

_These are the kings of the land_ This summary account of Israel's conquests comes in here not only as a conclusion of the history of the wars of Canaan, that we might at one view see what they had gotten; but as a preface to the history of the dividing of Canaan, that all those territories might be... [ Continue Reading ]

Joshua 12:6

_Them did Moses and the children of Israel smite_ Fresh mercies must not drown the remembrance of former mercies: nor must the glory of the present instruments of good to the church, diminish the just honour of those that went before them. Joshua's services were confessedly great. But let not those... [ Continue Reading ]

Joshua 12:8

_In the wilderness and in the south country_ These are joined together because the wilderness was southerly, in the hottest and driest part of the land: but we are not to suppose that the wilderness was a country without people, but only such as was thinly inhabited, in comparison with other parts o... [ Continue Reading ]

Joshua 12:23

_The king of Gilgal_ This Gilgal is not the place where Joshua encamped when he came over Jordan; for there was no city there, nor any king of that country, but the king of Jericho. That place had also its name from the circumcision of the Israelites there, chap. Joshua 5:9.... [ Continue Reading ]

Joshua 12:24

_All the kings, thirty and one_ It may seem strange to us that in so small a country there were so many kings; but in those ages kings were only petty princes, or lords of cities, which had a few villages depending on them. This appears by Joshua 12:9, where we read of the king of Beth-el; which was... [ Continue Reading ]

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