_A.M. 2553. B.C. 1451._
Canaanites terrified, Joshua 5:1. Circumcision renewed, Joshua 5:2.
The passover kept, Joshua 5:10. The Israelites eat corn, and the manna
ceases, Joshua 5:11; Joshua 5:12. Christ appears to Joshua! 13-15.... [ Continue Reading ]
_Amorites_ These and the Canaanites are mentioned for all the rest, as
being the chief of them for number, and power, and courage. _On the
side of Jordan westward_ This is added to distinguish them from the
other Amorites, eastward from Jordan, whom Moses had subdued. _Which
were by the sea_ The mid... [ Continue Reading ]
_At that time_ Namely, the morning after the passage, on the eleventh
day of the first month, as Archbishop Usher and others have very
probably conjectured. On the thirteenth day they were sore of their
wounds, on the fourteenth they recovered, and on the even of that day
kept the passover. _Make th... [ Continue Reading ]
_Joshua circumcised the children of Israel_ That is, he caused them to
be circumcised, namely, such of them as were uncircumcised. And
because it was to be done speedily, the passover approaching, it was
necessary to use many hands in the business. Nor was it difficult to
find them, as it did not si... [ Continue Reading ]
_All that came out of Egypt that were males died_ This is to be
restrained to such as were then above twenty years old, and such as
were guilty of the rebellion mentioned Numbers 14., as it is expressed
Joshua 5:6.... [ Continue Reading ]
_The people born in the wilderness they had not circumcised_ What
occasioned this omission is not said, nor is it easy to determine
whether it arose from negligence, or from God's dispensing, for a
time, with his ordinance, on account of the unsettledness of their
state, and their frequent removes w... [ Continue Reading ]
_Till all the people were consumed_ All the six hundred thousand
fighting men that came out of Egypt, except Joshua and Caleb. The
Hebrew word הגוי, _hagoi_, here rendered _people_, commonly
signifies the Gentiles, and some have thought it is here used to
signify that they were unworthy the name of... [ Continue Reading ]
_Their children them Joshua circumcised_ This God now required to be
done, 1st, As a testimony of his reconciliation to the people, and
that he would not further impute their parents' rebellion to them, but
now permit them to _enter into his rest._ See Num 14:29 to Num 35:2 d,
Because one great impe... [ Continue Reading ]
_Till they were whole_ Free from that pain and soreness which
circumcision caused. It was certainly an act of great faith to expose
themselves to so much pain, and danger too, in this place, where they
were hemmed in by Jordan and their enemies.... [ Continue Reading ]
_The reproach of Egypt_ That is, uncircumcision, which was both in
truth, and in the opinion of the Jews, a matter of great reproach. And
although this was a reproach common to most nations of the world, yet
it is particularly called _the reproach of Egypt_, either, 1st,
Because the other neighbouri... [ Continue Reading ]
_The children of Israel kept the passover_ Which was their third
passover: the first was in Egypt, Exodus 12.; the second at mount
Sinai, Numbers 9.; the third here; for in their wilderness travels,
these and several other sacrifices were neglected, Amos 5:25. While
they were in the wilderness, they... [ Continue Reading ]
_They eat of the old corn_ The corn of the last year, which the
inhabitants of those parts had left in their barns, being fled into
their strong cities, or other remoter parts. _On the morrow_ That is,
on the sixteenth day; for the passover was killed between the two
evenings of the fourteenth day,... [ Continue Reading ]
_The manna ceased_ Which God now withheld, to show that manna was not
an ordinary production of nature, but an extraordinary and special
gift of God to supply their necessity: and because God would not be
prodigal of his favours, by working miracles where ordinary means were
sufficient. _The morrow_... [ Continue Reading ]
_When Joshua was by Jericho_ Hebrew, _in Jericho;_ that is, in the
territory adjoining to it; whither he went to view those parts, and
discern the fittest places for his attempt upon Jericho. _A man_ One
in the appearance of a man. _With his sword drawn_ In readiness to
fight, not, as Joshua thought... [ Continue Reading ]
_As captain of the Lord's host_ Captain of this people, and I will
conduct and assist thee and them in this great undertaking. Now this
person was evidently not a created angel, but the Son of God, who went
along with the Israelites in this expedition, as their chief and
captain. And this appears, 1... [ Continue Reading ]
_From off thy foot_ In token of reverence and subjection. _Holy _
Consecrated by my presence. The very same order which God gave to
Moses at the bush, when he was sending him to bring Israel out of
Egypt, he here gives to Joshua for the confirming his faith, that as
he had been with Moses, so he wou... [ Continue Reading ]