Jotham stood in the top of mount Gerizim Which overlooked the city of Shechem. This was not on the same day when Abimelech was inaugurated, but some time after. The valley between Gerizim and Ebal was a famous place, employed for the solemn reading of the law, and its blessings and curses; and it is probable it was still used, even by the superstitious and idolatrous Israelites, for such occasions, who delighted to use the same places which their ancestors had used. And lifted up his voice and cried So that they who stood in the valley might hear, though not suddenly come at him to take him. Ye men of Shechem Who were here met together upon a solemn occasion, as Josephus notes, Abimelech being absent; that God may hearken unto you When you cry unto him for mercy; so he conjures and persuades them to give him a patient audience.

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