_A.M. 2514. B.C. 1490._
The prohibitions,
(1,) _ That no sacrifice be offered by any but the priests, nor
anywhere but at the door of the tabernacle, Leviticus 17:1._
(2,) _ That no blood be eaten, Leviticus 17:10._... [ Continue Reading ]
_That killeth_ Not for common use, for such beasts might be killed by
any person or in any place, (Deuteronomy 12:5; Deuteronomy 12:26,) but
for _sacrifice_, as the sense is limited, Leviticus 17:5, where the
reason of the injunction is given. It is true, some suppose that the
Israelites were forbid... [ Continue Reading ]
_The tabernacle_ This was appointed in opposition to the heathens, who
sacrificed in all places; to cut off occasions of idolatry; to prevent
the people's usurpation of the priest's office, and to signify that
God would accept of no sacrifices but through Christ and in the
church; of both which the... [ Continue Reading ]
_They offer_ The Israelites, before the building of the tabernacle,
did so, from which they are now restrained. _Peace-offerings_ He does
not name these exclusively from others, as appears from the reason of
the law, and from Leviticus 17:8, but because in these the temptation
was more common in reg... [ Continue Reading ]
_Upon the altar_ This verse contains a reason of the foregoing law,
because of God's propriety in the _blood and fat_, wherewith also God
was well pleased, and the people reconciled. And these two parts only
are mentioned, as the most eminent and peculiar, though other parts
also were reserved for G... [ Continue Reading ]
_Unto devils_ So they did, not directly or intentionally, but by
construction and consequence, because the devil is the author of
idolatry, and is eminently served and honoured by it. And as the
Egyptians were notorious for their idolatry, so the Israelites were
infected with their leaven, Joshua 24... [ Continue Reading ]
_I will set my face_ I will be an enemy to him, and execute vengeance
upon him immediately; because such persons probably would do this in
private, so that the magistrate could not know nor punish it. Write
that man undone, for ever undone, against whom God _sets his face._... [ Continue Reading ]
_Is in the blood_ Depends upon the blood, is preserved and nourished
by it. _The blood maketh atonement_ Typically, and in respect of the
blood of Christ which it represented, and by which the atonement is
really made. So the reason is double. 1st, Because this was eating the
ransom of their own liv... [ Continue Reading ]
_That eateth_ Through ignorance or inadvertency; for if it was done
knowingly, it was more severely punished. _A stranger_ Who is a
proselyte to the Jewish religion: other strangers were allowed to eat
such things, (Deuteronomy 14:21,) out of which the blood was either
not drawn at all, or not regul... [ Continue Reading ]
_His iniquity_ The punishment of it, and therefore must offer a
sacrifice for it.... [ Continue Reading ]