Your high places In which you will sacrifice after the manner of the heathen. And cut down your images חמניכם, chamanechem; some would translate this, your temples of the sun; from חמה, chammah, heat, or the sun. But although they worshipped the host of heaven, 2

Kings Leviticus 17:16; and 2 Chronicles 33:3; and we read of altars dedicated to them, and of horses and chariots of the sun, 2 Kings 23:11; it does not appear that they ever had any temples dedicated to the sun, unless the chariots of the sun might be so called, which some have understood to be domus vel sacella facta instar curruum, little chapels made after the form of chariots. Buxtorf renders the word, translated images in this verse, subdiales statuæ, statues placed in the open air, and exposed to the sun; and quotes R. Salomon as describing them to be images which they placed on the roofs of their houses, and termed חמנים, chammanim. Carcasses of your idols Hebrews your dung-hill idols, from גלל galal, dung. Le Clerc understands it of those animals which the Israelites had worshipped, in imitation of the Egyptians; and is of opinion, that God here threatens, that if ever they relapsed into that beastly idolatry, their carcasses should be shamefully exposed in the streets with the carcasses of their idols. But the word carcasses may signify the ruins of their idols in general; the broken pieces of their images. Or this word may be made use of to signify that their idols, how specious soever, or glorious in their eyes, were in truth but lifeless and contemptible carcasses, and should be so far from helping them, that they should be thrown down and broken with them, and both should lie together in a forlorn and loathsome state. See a similar threatening, Ezekiel 6:4; and Jeremiah 8:1. It was in part fulfilled by Josiah, 2 Chronicles 34:5; and 2 Kings 23:20.

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