And he said to them that stood by To the officers of justice that waited on the king; Take from him the pound Take what was intrusted with him from that idle, suspicious, unfaithful servant, who might otherwise have had that, and much more, allotted him for his own property; and give it him that has ten pounds As an additional reward for his fidelity and diligence. And they said, Lord, he hath ten pounds They speak this in surprise at his assigning it to one who had received so ample a reward, thinking there was no occasion to give an additional pound to one who had so many already. Perhaps they thought it more proper to give it to him who had only five pounds. Nevertheless, the prince stood by his former award, and bestowed the other pound likewise upon him; because it was agreeable to the rules of all wise administrations to bestow the most and greatest trusts on them who, by their fidelity in offices already enjoyed by them, had shown that they best deserved them. For unto every one which hath That uses properly and improves what he hath; shall be given Still more, and he shall have greater abundance; and from him that hath not That acts as if he had not a talent to use for the good of mankind and the glory of God; even that he hath shall be taken away from him The opportunities and advantages which he enjoys shall be taken from him, and given to such as improve those already bestowed on them.

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