Jesus answering What Simon spake within himself; said, Simon, I have somewhat to say to thee Though he was kindly entertained at his table, yet even there he judged it proper to reprove him for what he saw amiss in him, and not to suffer sin upon him. This he does, however, in a most tender and courteous manner. And he saith, Master, διδασκαλε, teacher, say on Though Simon would not believe him to be a prophet, because he suffered so great a sinner to touch him, yet he could compliment him with the title of teacher, like those that say to him, Lord, Lord, but do not the things which he enjoins. Then Jesus immediately delivered the following parable as a just, yet mild reproof of his host. A certain creditor had two debtors That were both insolvent; the one owed five hundred pence Greek, δηναρια, Roman pence, in value about seven pence halfpenny sterling, so that five hundred of them were nearly equivalent to fifteen guineas sterling, and fifty to one guinea and a half. There is no reason to believe that there was any mystery intended in Christ's fixing on these sums, rather than any others that had as great a difference between them. And when they had nothing to pay Could neither of them discharge any part of this debt; he frankly forgave them both The whole of what they respectively owed: Tell me, therefore Since it may be reasonably expected that both would have some sense of, and gratitude for his goodness; which of them would love him most In return for this his great kindness and generosity? Observe, reader, neither of them would love him at all before he had forgiven him. An insolvent debtor, till he is forgiven, does not love, but shun his creditor. Simon answered, He to whom he forgave most He surely was under the greatest obligations, and must reasonably be supposed to feel the greatest affection for his merciful and generous creditor: And he said, Thou hast rightly judged And the reflection is evidently suited to the case that we have before us.

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