And it came to pass afterward Probably the day after he had dined with Simon; or, as the expression, εν τω καθεξης, may be understood to imply, in the order of his work; for he went through it regularly, and the end of one good work was with him the beginning of another; he went throughout every city and village Namely, in those parts, preaching and showing, &c. Κηρυσσων και ευαγγελιζομενος, proclaiming, and evangelizing, or publishing; the glad tidings of the kingdom of God The kingdom which he was now about to erect among mankind: or, the glad tidings of his reconcileableness to men, of the necessity of reformation, and of the acceptableness of repentance, even in the chief of sinners. And the twelve were with him As he thought it proper they should be for some time, that they might be further instructed for their important work, and that their having been thus publicly seen in his train might promote their reception, when they afterward came to any of these places by themselves.

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