The scribe Who had proposed the question to try him, being struck with the solidity and spirit of his answer, said, Well, Master In the original it is, καλως, excellently, finely, or beautifully; a phrase which expresses his high satisfaction in the reply much more strongly than the word well. Thou hast said the truth Thy declaration is perfectly correct, and unspeakably important; for there is one God, &c., and to love him with all the heart To love and serve him with all the united powers of the soul, in their utmost vigour; and without a rival; and to love his neighbour as himself To maintain the same equitable and charitable temper and behaviour toward all men, as we, in like circumstances, would wish from them toward ourselves, is a more necessary and important duty, and a more acceptable service, than the offering the most noble and costly sacrifices; nor could the most exact and pompous ritual observances be acceptable without such graces and virtues as these. When Jesus saw that he answered discreetly And thereby showed that he had just views of true religion; he said, Thou art not far from the kingdom of God He applauded the piety and wisdom of the scribe's reflection, by declaring, that he was not far from embracing the gospel, and becoming a true member of Christ's Church, possessed of all the blessings belonging to his disciples. Reader, art thou not far from the kingdom of God? Then go on: be a real Christian; else it had been better for thee to have been afar off.

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