Afterward he appeared unto the eleven as they sat at meat Namely, on the evening of the day on which he rose. Concerning this appearance of Christ, see notes on Luke 24:36, where it is related at large. And upbraided them with their unbelief &c. “That after so many assurances from his own mouth that he would rise again the third day; and after the testimony of so many eye-witnesses, that he had performed his promise, they believed not. And if this be attributed to them as culpable unbelief, and hardness of heart, surely those persons must much more be guilty of these sins, who, after the testimony of these apostles, and five hundred more eye-witnesses of his resurrection; after the ocular testimony of a multitude of Christians in different parts of the world, touching the mighty miracles performed in his name by the apostles, the chosen witnesses of his resurrection, and by many others, who believed it and were baptized into this faith, for a whole age together, do yet continue to disbelieve that resurrection, and the faith confirmed by it.” Whitby.

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