The former governors Not Ezra, who was no governor, nor Zerubbabel, but others between him and Nehemiah, whom he forbears to name; were chargeable unto the people How chargeable they had been, and how dear the country had paid for the benefit of their government, the people well knew. It is no new thing for those who are in places of trust, to seek themselves more than the public welfare, nay, and to serve themselves upon the public loss. Besides forty shekels of silver Which they required of the people every day, to defray their other expenses. Yea, even their servants bare rule over the people Ruled them with rigour and cruelty, and demanded of them what they pleased, while their employers connived at their exactions. Thus the fault of the servants is charged upon their masters, because they did not restrain them. But so did not I, because of the fear of God He had an awe of God's majesty, and a fear of offending him, and therefore he had not done as the former governors did. Those who truly fear God will not dare to do any thing cruel or unjust. And this is not only a powerful, but an acceptable principle, both of justice and charity.

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