The wall was finished in the twenty and fifth day of the month Elul Answering part to our August and part to September. In fifty and two days To be computed either from the time of Sanballat's sending this letter to him, or, as most judge, from the beginning of the work, which, though a great thing, yet it is not at all incredible, considering, 1st, That the walls and gates were not wholly pulled down by the Chaldeans: for to what purpose should they make that waste of time and labour? 2d, That where the walls were thrown down, yet the materials remained, which they now used. 3d, That, in building the walls, they regarded not ornament, but only strength and safety. 4th, The great numbers of the builders, and the prudent distribution of the work among them, and their admirable zeal and diligence therein. 5th, That there want not parallel instances, even in heathen authors; for both Quintus Curtius and Arrian relate that Alexander the Great built the walls of new Alexandria, which were seven miles in compass, within twenty days' space. 6th, That the hand of God was manifest in carrying on this work, which their very enemies here acknowledge.

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