This day is holy unto the Lord your God Namely, as a day of feasting and thanksgiving to God, and rejoicing in his mercies; for otherwise even days of fasting were holy to God in general, though not in the sense here meant. Mourn not, nor weep Be not sorry, Nehemiah 8:10. Hold your peace: neither be ye grieved, Nehemiah 8:11. Every thing is beautiful in its season. As we must not be merry, when God calls to mourning; so we must not afflict ourselves, and be swallowed up in sorrow, when God gives us occasion to rejoice. Even sorrow for sin must not grow so excessive as to hinder our joy in God, and cheerfulness in his service. For all the people wept when they heard the words of the law Out of a deep sense of their great guilt, and extreme danger by reason of it.

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