Stand by thy burnt-offering As in God's presence; as one that offers himself, as well as his sacrifices, to obtain God's favour. I will go To some solitary and convenient place, where I may prevail with God to appear to me. From this passage it is inferred, that in those early times it was customary for prophets, and other pious persons, after performing the sacred rites, to retire into some solitary place, there to wait for an answer from God. Whatsoever he showeth me Reveals to me, either by word or sign. He went to a high place Some, considering that he was already in a high place, would render it, He went into the plain, or valley. But it must be observed the original word שׁפי, shephi, from שׁפה shephah, eminere, eminens, excelsum esse, properly means, a high and rocky place. See Hebrew, Isaiah 13:2; Jeremiah 3:2. And, no doubt, Balaam ascended into a higher part of the mountain, for the greater convenience of retirement, and beholding Israel, as he says, (Numbers 23:9,) From the top of the rocks I see him.

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