What then? What shall we think of these attempts, proceeding from such different principles? Shall they grieve us? No, in no wise. For, every way, whether in pretence Under colour of propagating the gospel; or in truth With a real design so to do; Christ is preached And the great doctrine of salvation by him has a wider spread; and I therein do rejoice, yea, and I will rejoice That is, I shall have cause so to do in regard of the good issue it will have. The love which the apostle bore to Christ, had extinguished in his mind resentment, pride, self-love, and all other evil passions; insomuch that his greatest joy resulted from the advancement of the gospel, even though it was promoted by his enemies. We must observe, however, that though truth is here opposed to pretence, it doth not follow that preaching Christ in pretence means preaching false doctrine concerning him. For the apostle could not rejoice that Christ was preached in that manner. Truth and pretence here relate not so much to the matters preached, as to the views of the preachers. The Judaizers preached the truth concerning Christ, at least in part, when they affirmed him to be the Jewish Messiah. But they did this not purely and sincerely to bring the Jews to believe on him, but also and especially to inculcate at the same time the Jewish ceremonies, and thereby to extend the authority of their ritual law; and by these means ultimately to grieve the apostle, and render his persecutors more bitter against him. But others both preached Christ as the Jewish Messiah, and also inculcated all the great doctrines of his gospel, truly and sincerely intending to bring both Jews and Gentiles to believe aright in him, and to embrace his gospel in its purity. But from whatever motive Christ was preached, according to his true character, it was matter of joy to the apostle. For I know that this Preaching of Christ, whether from a pure motive or otherwise, or this trouble which I meet with from some of these teachers; shall turn to my salvation Namely, to the promotion of it, or shall procure me a higher degree of glory; through your prayer Continuing to be addressed to God for me; and the supply of the Spirit of Christ More largely communicated to me in answer to it, and enabling me to make a good use of these trials. According to my earnest expectation According to what I have all along earnestly hoped for; that in nothing I shall be ashamed Whatever injurious reflections may be cast on my conduct; but that with all boldness Bearing testimony to every truth of the gospel; as always Since my call to the apostleship; so now Christ shall be magnified Shall be honoured, and the interest of his kingdom promoted; in my body, however it be disposed of, whether by preserving its life, or allowing it to be put to death For the confirmation of the gospel. How that might be, he did not yet know. For the apostles did not know all that should befall them, but were left in uncertainty with respect to many things, that they might have cause for the exercise of faith and patience.

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