I rejoiced in the Lord greatly Who directs all events. St. Paul was no stoic; he had strong passions, but all devoted to God; that now, at the last By your present, which I have received from Epaphroditus; your care of me has flourished again “Here, as in many other passages of his writings, the apostle shows the deep sense which he had of Christ's governing the affairs of the world for the good of his servants: for this new instance of the Philippians' care of his welfare, he ascribes expressly to the providence of Christ. And in the figurative expression, ανεθαλετε το υπερ εμου φρονειν, which is, literally, ye have flourished again to think or care, concerning me, he likens the Philippians' care of him to a plant, which withers and dies in winter, but grows again in the following year; or to trees, which, after their leaves drop in autumn, put them forth again next spring. Lest, however, the Philippians might think this expression insinuated a complaint, that they had been negligent latterly, the apostle immediately adds, that they had always been careful to supply his wants, but had not had an opportunity till now.” Either they were in straitened circumstances themselves, or wanted a proper messenger by whom to send their bounty.

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